Séfora Camazano


Female Portraits: Introduction

“Female Portraits: Introduction” is an introduction to the “Female Portraits: Migrants” exhibition.

The women featured in the exhibition are of 15 different nationalities and of diverse origins, ages and cultures. All of them have something in common: the violence that they have suffered in their native countries, which has been the main cause for leaving their lives behind, highlighting the global issue of female migration. Despite their complicated situations, they have allowed us to photograph them as they are and to change the way they are seen, far from the stereotypical image we have of migrant women.

Female Portraits: Migrants - Aqila
Female Portraits: Migrants - Dori
Female Portraits: Migrants - Haifaa
Female Portraits: Migrants - Maryury

Exhibition Venues

February 06th, 2024 – March 27th, 2024 : Centro Cultural Fundación Ibercaja Actur – Zaragoza, Spain

© Séfora Camazano