Art Dubai 2024

Art Dubai 2024

Art Dubai 2024 March 05th 2024 – by Séfora Camazano In this article, I share my experiences and reflections on the unforgettable visit to the Art Dubai 2024 fair. Four years ago, I had a planned trip to Dubai that, unfortunately, was canceled due to lockdown…
Paris+ par Art Basel – 2023

Paris+ par Art Basel – 2023

Paris+ par Art Basel 2023 October 26th 2023 – by Séfora Camazano Our recent visit to Paris+ par Art Basel was an interesting and enriching experience, albeit challenging at times. As a figurative artist, my artistic focus centers on representing reality in a way that…
“Retrats Femenins: Migrants” is now open

“Retrats Femenins: Migrants” is now open

The photographic exhibition “Retrats Femenins: Migrants” (“Female Portraits: Migrants”), by artist Séfora Camazano, was inaugurated on March 7th by the Councilor for Heritage and Cultural Resources of Valencia, Glòria Tello. During the inauguration, Glòria Tello emphasized that this exhibition, presented by the Museum of History…

© Séfora Camazano